Collate of Indian Rice


Kadhir Foods

Worldwide, there are over 40,000 varieties of rice! Rice is particular popular in south-east asian countries where it is widely consumed india itself harvest over 200 varieties of rice every year! Broadly, rice that is consumed in india comes in 4 forms: raw rice , brown rice , steam rice and boiled rice. Almost every variety of rice harvested in our country and over the world is consumed in any one (or more) of these forms.

We the A.K.AHAMED MODERN RICE MILL IS SYNONYMOUS IN PROCESSING ABOVE 4 FORMS OF RICE IN THE BRAND NAME KADHIR WITH THE FINE TASTE OF SOUTH INDIA IN ITS AUTHENTIC FORM. Since its inception, the company’s sole objective has been to make the world experience the true south Indian flavour. Just the reason why it offers an extensive range that caters to all kinds of consumers in different parts of the world - It’s really no surprise then that KADHIR. is a household name not only in SOUTH India but also in the USA, UK, Dubai, Quatar, muscut, Saudi Arabia,Kuwait,bahrain and other European countries.